September 5, 2005

Doesn't He See It?

Why does he say things to hurt me, say things that break my heart whenever he doesn't agree with my opinion, my anger, my feelings ... and then apologize??

Does he not realize that every time that happens, I'm getting that much closer to hating him?

Does he not realize that love means you don't aim for the heart? That honestly sharing your feelings is far more productive than winning the arguement?

Maybe he doesn't know how to be intimate, his parents were not the best role models. But he knows he's acting out about something, he knows why his parents split up. Does he not realize that he is doing what they did all over again? That he's finding an excuse to be angry at me, to push me away so that if we don't work out, it will be his choice, not mine?

Does he not realize that even if I still love him, I'll leave to protect myself? Like his own mother did to his father.

Does he not see it all as it unfolds?