May 29, 2009

Month Six

Chunko, I have been unintentionally consuming entirley too much of my own breastmilk this month. While I love the fact that you are eating solids, I'm in the habit now of finishing your sister's food and that has translated to me eating your mashed fruits and veggies after breakfast and dinner so that nothing, not a teaspoon, gets wasted. And since I've been mixing your food with breastmilk and rice cereal to up the calorie content (and hope you sleep longer) that means.... I keep ingesting my own milk. When you think about it, it's a little weird, like a cow sucking her own teat. Yum.

But you are loving the food. I think your favorite cereal is probably barley though we give you oatmeal for breakfast and mix the rice cereal with fruits and veggies. You ate the heck out of the watermelon but got really bad gas that night so we're going to wait a bit longer to give it to you again. The sweet potato was a hit, probably your favorite veggie so far and the peas were well received as well. People think I'm crazy when I tell them that you are eating 8-10 tablespoons of food a day, plus 20 oz pumped milk and nurisng at least 4-5 times, but you are and you do and you are a happy little thing.

And you are sleeping so well now from about 8p-7:30a only waking up once around 2:30 to nurse. It's working well with me being back at work because you sleep late enough for Papa to take a shower then Taryn plays with you until it's time to eat. You have been doing okay at daycare, not sleeping as much as I'd like but we just put you to bed a bit earlier and hope the next day you'll nap really, really well so we can keep you up later to play. I miss you guys so much but you are both having so much fun that I console myself with the fact that although this separation is heart wrneching for me, you don't seem to be suffering any adverse affects and I know the socialization will benefit you in the long run.

So this month my wish for you is that you always feel loved and never neglected, even though your Papa and I both have to work. I hope that the relationships that you build at daycare will last a long time and that you will have a solid foundation to function in the world, and always know that your Papa and I adore you, and that even when we aren't there with you, we are always thinking about you guys. Like I told Taryn the other day, every time I blink, I'm thinking of my girls.

If there is one thing we need to work on, it's the hair pulling. When your sister was a baby, I always wore my hair in a ponytail and out of her reach, but I started wearing my hair down curly (which I hadn't done in years) and I know its tempting but you got to stop trying to eat it! Aside from the fact that it hurts, I'm sure my conditioner doesn't taste too good. And when we are all sitting reading a book, you are already making Taryn cry by yanking on her hair. I know you aren't trying to hurt her and I actually think its sort of cute when she's trying to get your hand out of her hair and you've got a white-knuckle grip on it (and your hands are almost the same but I feel bad for her so I have to help. Let's just try to nip that one in the bud, okay?

I can't believe I almost forgot the swimming! I've taken you out a couple times and you love the water, splashing your hands around, kicking like the frogger we used to call you, and sucking it up off the floaty thing we use, but after about 30-45 minutes I think you're just worn out and want a break. The first time I nursed you and you fell asleep under the towel for 30 minutes, then wanted to jump right back in when you woke up. And you sleep so well afterwards, probably from wearing yourself out and being out in the sun (though there is a shade on the floatie so no burns) so it's good for us all. Taryn likes swinging and pushing your floatie around, and best of all, you wear the same size swim diapers! You are wearing Taryn's bathing suit from when she was 12 months old, and I'm dying to see how big you've grown at your appointment next week. I'm sure you're pretty high in the percentages, but still perfectly proportionate.

Baby, I love you. Thank you for making me smile all day, every day.

Love, Mama

May 20, 2009

Month Thirty-Five

Well Sugarpie, we're almost there! (This first line was written on the 20th. Now, a few days later when I have time to finish this blog, things have changed...drastically).

Sweet Angelbaby, last night you pooped on the potty. The week before I went back to work after your sister was born, you woke up one morning and said "Mama, I need to go pee." Two days later you were able to stay dry in your pull ups all day long (except while you were sleeping) and aside from the predictable poop that came every time you went down for a nap you were doing a fantastic, quick job of potty training. Even at the park you would run up to me and tell me you needed to go potty, and you held it while I wrangled you, me and your sister in the dingly metal stall, jumping over puddles on unknown liquid on the floor, and somehow trying to get us all out of there just as clean and when we went in.

I had joked for the last 8 or so months that you would be in diapers until you were 10 because you showed absolutely no interest at all in potty training. People told me how hard it would be to have 2 kids in diapers, but I'll tell you, it was a lot easier to let you pee in your diaper, than it is now trying to get you up on a toilet while I balance your sister on one hip, and wiping? All I can say is I'm glad I haven't dropped you on your face yet because it is a feat of physics to do it one-handed in a public restroom. But kid, you are such a champ. Aside from the half-pee you do to get candy more often (pee a little, then pee again 10 minutes later) I am amazed at how quickly the process was, and now that you are pooping in the potty too, words cannot describe how proud of you I am. You sticker calendar to record how many times you went potty each day is completely full, and I'm thinking by your birthday you'll be in undies full-time if you want to be.

I did go back to work this month, but you have taken to daycare like a frog to water. The first day I went to pick you up, you started crying that you wanted to stay and play longer. It makes me so happy to see you having so much fun, you napped with no problem, and are generally thriving and content there. The only complaint I have is that I haven't gotten any artwork to bring home, but I can discuss that with your caretakers later. :)

My wish for you this month, Darling, is that you continue to adapt so fluidly to the changes that will be thrown at you in life. I know it was hard to have me home for 6 months then suddenly I'm back at work and you are being bounced around to different places each day of the week. And although I am happy that you are with family 5 days per week, I think putting you in daycare has shown me that you are much more adaptable now than you were as a baby, and I hope that adaptability sticks with you, as it will be vital later in life.

Before I sign off, I want to tell you that your Papa bought me a digital picture frame for Mother's Day this year. It was supposed to be for work, but is absolutely enormous, so I think we're going to keep it at home. I brought it upstairs so that I could download the photos to it, and the box is sitting outside my bedroom door. Every time you notice the box, you run to me and say 'Happy Mother's Day.' Thank you for being your wonderful self.

I love you Baby,


May 2, 2009

Month Five

My Darling girl. I don't know what to say except you are becoming such a lovely little baby to be around. Our days are filled with giggles and belly laughs, you grabbing for the dogs' ears and doubling over in laughter when they lick your nose. Taryn is, of course, the person who makes you laugh the easiest, but really anything out of the ordinary may elicit your one dimpled grin.

We haven't seen any teeth yet but you're chewing on everything like a mad woman, so I know it's coming soon. My shoulder is still a favorite, but you also enjoy your thumb a lot, though when you chew on it your finger goes up your nose or digs in your eye, so it usually doesn't last very long. We have a fabric book attached to your carseat and you chew on that while we are driving. Speaking of which, the screaming has mostly ended in the car. You are usually okay unless you're overtired, and even then it just takes a couple minutes for you to fall asleep once the car is moving. Taryn has been on tears a few times because you were crying and her arms are not long enough to reach you in the car, but then you always passed out so we could start singing again.

You don't take a binkie anymore, and I'm not really sure what changed. I wonder if it will make a comeback when you are in daycare (starting next week, I am so bummed out that I have to leave you guys to go back to work, but the economy is crap and we can't risk me being a stay-at-home mom, and your Papa losing his job). So I have 2 weeks left with you and your sister, but you will be starting early to hopefully make the adjustment a little bit easier (for me, I'm sure) but you two are such amazing, happy, well-adjusted kids that I really don't forsee any problems. And if there are, maybe it will be motivation for me to stay home. I'm glad we decided to put you two in the same center, that way you'll be together all day long and Taryn will be able to look out for me and report back if you are crying too much or anything crazy happens. I'm actually really excited to have you guys stay with Nana for a day as well, so that you will grow up seeing her around on a more regular basis, and your Papa will be home one day as well, so maybe one day he'll understand that it is a full-time job watching you two.

Sweetheart, I know I made this same with for Taryn at the same point in time, but I hope against all hopes that you have the choice to go back to work if you decide to have kids. It's absolutely heart-wrenching to be forced to leave you guys with a stranger, and though your sister made it out fine so far I abhor the fact that I just don't have a choice. I'm grateful that my schedule will allow me to be home with you guys 3 full days each week, and you'll be with family the other half of the time, but I want you all to myself. I know that I am the best person to raise you, and I worry how jumping from person to person will affect your bonding abilities, but I also know the socialization will be great for you and that in the long run I'll benefit from being back at work as well. Just know that I always tried to do what was best for us as a family, that I love you, and I am so grateful I was able to stay with you for so long.

So you're rolling both ways now and I really have to watch you carefully to make sure that you don't roll right off the mat in the living room. We've been looking for another car seat for you since you weigh close to 16.5 lbs and are probably 26 inches tall already. Not only is it crazy hard to carry you in the infant seat, I'm thinking safety-wise you could benefit from a bigger one as well. So soon we'll be back in the Mazda (yay!) and you and your sister should be a little further away from each other so she can't take all your toys while I'm driving (because yours really are much cooler than hers) and we'll be making beach runs and going to the museum, and if you keep sleeping like a champ I'll even take you guys to the aquarium this Summer.

The best part of this past month though has been you in the walker, scooting around the house, and even coming when we call for you. You love it and can mostly go forward, though when you get really excited you always go backwards. You've also been spending a lot of time in the jumperoo, mostly so that I can eat or wrap presents when you aren't in the mood to lay on the mat with your sister. And you just jump away, squealing with delight, smacking the buttons to see the light show and when we talk with you, or you see the dogs walk by you start jumping even harder. You haven't fallen asleep yet (like your sister did a few times) but I'm thinking it's only a matter of time before you do, and we'll make sure to get pictures to bribe you with when you are a teenager.

Honey, I am so excited that you are here. I waited so long to see you, then even longer to see your wonderful chipper personality emerge. Life feels perfect now that you are in it with us, and I look forward to every single day that I get to see your adorable face. I am so excited for the future that we will spend together, and I know that you and your sister will have a bond that will last forever.

I love you Angelbaby.

Love, Mama