September 8, 2006

Oh! The shame!

For the past few days, I have been witness to an unbearbly distasteful sight. I just had to get it off my chest, please don't judge me for their actions.

My dogs have been humping.

Now, this is distressing for two very important, very different reasons.

First, they are siblings. I know, they are dogs, but still. The impropriety of them running around in public like this, it's just disgusting. I mean, it's not like we're living in Oaklahoma. Stuff like this isn't supposed to happen in California.

Second, and even more upsetting than them being siblings, is that Ka'i (female) is the one humping Rosco (male). *yeck*

I thought at first that it was a dominance thing. They would run around the house like sex-starved teenagers, chasing each other and chewing on each others' faces until Rosco stopped running and dropped his toy. Then Ka'i would mount him and start humping away until I threw a sock at them both. This happened twice, and I as totally support women being independent and in charge, I left it alone.

But then, Ka'i started humping Rosco when he was asleep. And I started to get worried.

And now, she even resorts to getting her groove on with the fuzzy pillow on the couch (you've been warned). The same fuzzy pillow Rosco used to hump when he actually had nuts.

So now I'm worried. Could she be trans-sexual? Maybe Rosco is gay and she's playing into his fantasies? I can't imagine where she suddenly got this from. Rosco doesn't hump much of anything since his poor little grapes were removed, and they don't really kick it with other dogs because they have no manners.

Oh, what did I do wrong? Am I a bad mommy for letting them do this? I just want them both to be happy, even if it will outcast us from society....

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