November 29, 2006

On Debt

Debt is so much a part of everyday life for my generation. It's kind of sad, but at the same time I wonder how in the hell past generations were able to own homes, furniture, cars, have children young, and all on only one income.

I've tried really hard to limit my debt whenever possible, for the simple fact that until a year and a half ago, I didn't make enought to pay much more than my bills and student loans each month. But now that I have a better job, I also have a baby that I need to pay for childcare for, so it seems like the situation really hasn't changed that much for me.

The reason thought that I've been thinking about it so much is that since I decided to stay on maternity leave longer than I previously anticipated, I'm realizing that I'm going to head back to work a couple thousand in debt.

Okay, part of it is the shopping, I know. I could live without a new dinig room table and an old phone, and the baby could sleep in too small PJs, but I'm sick of living like that. I'm sick of always putting off what I want and need for when I can afford it.

And I've done good so far with the credit. I never get more in debt than I think I can pay back, it just sucks to have to think so far in the future for things that I want to enjoy now. And sucks even more that my other half isn't nearly as responsible with "his" debt, as I am with "mine." Because when it comes down to it, we really do have a shared obligation to pay it all back, even if we didn't spend equal amounts of it, and even if he buys stuff for himself, while I buy stuff the whole family will use. But that's another story completely.

So really, this is just my justification for spending another $500 tomorrow, because it's the last day of a really great sale, and glass tables are dangerous for small children. So I have to protect the baby. ;)

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