December 14, 2006

Chinese Food

I don't know what it is about (Americanized) Chinese food, but I FN love it.

Seriously, I think given the menu at say, Pings, I could live off Chinese food for a year straight, and still not be sick of it. It's so incredibly yummy.

I don't know if I would say that about any other type of food, except maybe Italian. Because as much as I love sushi, I don't think eating it every day would be okay with me. And maybe it's because it's fish, and to my uneducated taste buds, all fish kind of really tastes too similar to me to do on a daily basis.

When I was pregnant, I thought I could eat sandwiches every day. And the sad part about that is that I did for a while, and I ate the exact same sandwich, roast beef with pepper-jack cheese of a dutch crunch roll, for weeks, and was totally not sick of them. The only reason I stopped was I started getting heart burn in the last month or so, and I'm a wuss. What's the point of eating a deli sammie if you can't have pepperocinis on it? And those little Tums? Really didn't help with some foods.

I think for drinks, I would go with iced tea. Love it. And all the different flavors are wonderful. I used to be a dedicated peach tea drinker, but lately I've been into tho POM iced teas, and of course my fav is the peach one. I doubt I love it so much for how many antioxidants are in it, I'm just a fan of the flavor. And the re-useable glass. I've got like 20 in my kitchen.

What about you? What's your favorite food or drink?

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