December 11, 2006

Quarter Life Crisis

I'm suddenly feeling like my "career" isn't exactly in alignment with my hopes for myself.

Not that I don't like my job. The people I work with are great, and for the most part I really like my clients too, it's just... I'm not passionate about it.

I don't know if I'm cut out for the sit-down type office job anymore. There was a time when the structure and reliability of a paycheck every two weeks was what I craved but now, it's just kind of boring. I want a job where I can get up and go outside sometimes, something creative without being too artsy, something I love to do and feel passionate about.

Like interior design. Or planning weddings.

Not that I have any skills in either of those two, but they sound fun, and challenging, and like something I would look forward to getting up to do every morning.

Nothing like determining benefits.


So what to do? I'm not about to go back to school and miss out on more of Taryn growing up just because I have an itch to do something different.

What to do, what to do....

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