December 16, 2006

Regrets? Not Here ...

People always seem to be asking each other, do you regret it? What's the biggest regret of your life? If you could go back and change one thing, what would it be?

I'm a true beleiver that things happen for a reason. And though I may forget the old adage when things get really tough, in hindsight I've been able to recognize the lesson that I was supposed to learn, or the good that came out of the struggle.

And I'm very proud of who I am, and where I am today in my life, and I wouldn't be this person if I hadn't gone through everything that I have. So in honor of living without regrets, and not looking back at 2006 wishing things had been different, here's my list of the Top Ten Things I Don't Regret in 2006.

1. Not hiring a doula. I wanted to do Taryn's birth as naturally as possible, but in the rush of getting everything tied together at work before I went on maternity leave and finishing the house, P and I just didn't get around to it. To be honest, we didn't get around to a lot of things before she was born, like finishing the nursery or writing up a birth plan, but not getting a doula was a wise decision. Because really, I'm proud of P and I for doing it how we did without outside help. And I didn't want to do anything but sit in the bed, curled inhis arms while I was in labor. I didn't want to speed it up by walking or anything because it already hurt so bad, and I learned through that experience that when it really comes down to it, P knows me better than anyone else, and he will be there for me when I need him.

2. Holing up for a week after Taryn's birth. I knew it was the best thing for us, so I could get to know my baby before subjecting myself to the stresses of entertaining. And though I felt bad for everyone else, I had to put my baby's needs over theirs, and I hope that I can continue to live like that. For the people who can't handle that and called me selfish... Suck it.

3. Buying the nursery furniture off craigslist. I had picked out beautiful matching furniture when I registered at Babies R Us, and had planned to spend close to $1500 on it, but as I realized that I needed to save just a bit more for my time off work, I looked around and eended up saving $1200 by getting it used. And go me! Because if I hadn't saved that money, I would have been back at work by now.

4. NaBloPoMo. Because yay! I won a shirt!

5. Telling the truth. I sleep better at night knowing that I am honest. Sure, I could have gotten stuff for free, or pretended that someone wasn't being passive-aggressive, but really, I feel good that I am living my life with integrity. And if I hurt people's feelings in the process, I'm sorry. I really am. But I'm not up to pretending and stuffing my feelings anymore.

6. Letting the baby sleep with us. Everyone told us we'd never get her out of our bed if we let her sleep withus, but I'm happy to say all those people are dead wrong. There was a few-month stretch when she slept with us all night, when I was too exhausted to get up to nurse her, and it was just easier or her to be in the bed with me. And look now. She's sleeping like an angel in her crib now. Though I do take her in the bed in the mornings, but I have to get my snuggle quota in!

7. Not doing the formula route. I know it works for a lot of people, and I'm not bashing anyone's personal decision whether to breastfeed or not, because you all are sleeping while I'm up three times a night to nurse still. But it was important to me to breastfeed, and though I'm still tired a lot, and it's inconvenient sometimes, and I feel like a dairy cow when I pump, I'm glad I never caved in and gave her formula. And I'm glad the one time I actually made it for her, she wouldn't eat it and my milk came in just a couple of hours later.

8. Connecting with other new moms. It's so awesome to watch our kids grow up together, and to have someone to bitch to who knows exactly what I'm going through and can offer advice when I have problems. I've got issues with trusting new people, but I'm so glad I did because they have made this "new mom" thing so much easier.

9. Blogging again. Even just for the monthly check-ups on Taryn, I love that she will have a record of her life since before she can remember, and will be able to see who I was before she was born, and as a person other than just her mommy.

10. Lastly, I don't for a second regret taking up the caffeine addiction again. There are so many simple pleasures that people deny themselves for the sake of health or time or money. And I've given up a lot of things for all three of those, but I love my coffee, and I enjoy every single sip of it, every single morning.

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