December 7, 2006

When is Enough, Enough?

[This post has been edited on 12/8/06 to remove the 18 swear words that I so unjudiciously inserted in my rage. Actually, it was only two different words, used 18 times. Sorry folks.]

Because really, I'm about *this[beep]ingclose* to throwing in the towel.

There is only so much bull[beep] a woman can take before it's time to get Tanya Harding on someone's ass, and don't blame me for reacting in a slightly psychotic way after trying and trying for years to get this [beep] on an even keel.

Please excuse the language, I'm feeling more pissed than creative so the barbs are more brutish than poetic.

[Beep] him. And I'm not the one to talk massive amounts of [beep] about someone I'm close to, but who in the [beep] does he think he is coming home at 2:30am when he knows gawd damn good and well that the baby isn't doing well, and I barely slept the night before.

And [beep] him for leaving all his [beep] around the house like a [beep]ing child and expecting me to clean up after is nasty stank-ass, then complaining if the house isn't clean. Like his ass ever does anything more than sit and watch TV and scratch his balls.

And [beep] him for calling me fat when his flabby ass stomach hangs over the top of his pants and he eats twice as much as me, eats out almost every day, doesn't go to the gym, and doesn't even have the excuse of birthing a child.

And [beep] him even more for being broke and not wanting to get another job even though his trashy ass can't afford food or even his own socks and would be seriously hurting in every single way if I didn't pay for most of everything that we have. We wouldn't have [beep] if it wasn't for me, and his non-ambitious ass just complains about his credit card debt. [Beep] that. Stop spending money on stupid [beep] you know you can't afford!

And [beep] the complaining about everything when you don't do a [beep]ing thing to make things better.

[Beep] you not doing your own laundry, and not appreciating a [beep]ing thing I do for you.

Man, just [beep] off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have every right to be pissed. I would be too.