March 27, 2008

Not Up for Negotiation

Yep, that's what I told P last night. He made some smarmy comment about my disappointment that I wasn't pregnant this cycle, some BS that I was sad because that was my one chance to trick him into having another one.

So I simply told him that I am having another baby, with him, and he needs to get used to the idea, because I'm not asking permission, and it's not up for negotiation.

Ha. Bet he didn't see that one coming. And yes, that is exactly what I told him, practically word for word.

The funny thing was, once I said it and we talked some more about why he was still hesitant and why I wanted so badly to have another baby so soon, he almost seemed relieved that I had very concrete reasons for my decision (yay Blogger!) and my mind was made up. He even said he'd be happy to have twins, because then he'd know I wouldn't want anymore after that.

(We'll see...)

There are very few things in our marriage that I am absolutely set on, refuse to budge, and make my opinions very super-clear. This is one of them. I choose my battles knowing that I can't get what I want every time, so I stick to what is important to me and in the long run, I know he will be happy that we did it this way.

We were talking about all the places we wanted to travel to, bemoaning the fact that we won't be able to go for many years, but it will be so much more special to be able to share it with our kids. Spain, Italy, South Africa, Alaska, England, India, Thailand, New York.

I can't wait to be 30! Hehehe.

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