April 20, 2008

Month Twenty-Two

Well Baby-Love, you are officially twenty-two months old today, which may not seem like a big deal, but think about it. You got your first haircut this month, you were weaned, gave up your binkie and rode a pony for the first time. You are like, almost a teenager already!

Sweetie, I wish I could write a nice long letter to you, but this morning sickness caused by your little brother (I think...we'll see) is kicking my butt. I feel awful, and I know this may just be the first of many reasons you'll ask me to return it once it's here, but you have been a doll for Mama when I'm sick, giving me the biggest hugs and kisses, and brushing my hair for me.

You have also been into destroying the house too, dumping piles of everything everywhere, and to be honest, I'm just too tired to keep cleaning so the house is a mess. But I think it's fun for you, like an obstacle course or something. Plus, you keep finding random Cheerios on the ground and hold it up proudly yelling, "Cheerio!" (or maybe cereal, they sort of sound the same out of your mouth) and you pop it in before I can dive off the couch to grab it from you.

We got you a new "car" too, your jogging stroller that you love riding in, though I have unfortunately been too sick and tired to take you out much, but next month, I swear, we'll be out and about hiking (no running) a few times a week. You're adorable in it, with your little feet kicked up on the snack tray, your water bottle cozied up next to your belly. And you're pointing out everything you see now, a car, an autobus, cocos, puppy's babies... I love it.

Baby, considering the circumstances, my wish for you this month is that when you grow up, if you decide to have kids (after college, and a house, and a loving partner have been secured) I hope you don't have morning sickness. And if you do, I hope it isn't too severe, and that it's limited to one part of the day, not all day long like Mama's. And I hope your loving partner is as fantastic as your Papa has been, cooking and letting me sleep for hours on end... in the middle of the day.

Only two more months and you'll be two! I'm planning your birthday already. And Sweetie, I really loved when you called me Mommy. What's up with the Mama again now?

I love you.

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