June 26, 2008

No Such Thing As A Secret

I know I do it sometimes too, but I always start to giggle when someone runs into my office at work and says, "You have to promise not to tell because I was sworn to secrecy, but..."

Like today, talking with a friend she sort-of hinted at a secret in the office. Happens to be a secret that I was told a while ago by someone who wasn't supposed to tell, and I think the same person told her as well. Ha. I figure she knows most of the gossip that I do, so it's usually safe to ask her if she knows anything new about a particular topic, without divulging any actual information.

But it's funny, because when I want to keep a secret, I don't tell a soul. If you don't tell me a secret, or I start to hear rumblings of something I already know about, yeah, I'm going to discuss it. But I'm pretty damn good at not spilling the beans when I know it's really important not to.

But this new one, I'm starting to wonder who doesn't know. And really, I feel sort of bad that a bunch of us are in on her secret, I mean, it's a pretty major juicy bit, but I still don't think she expected so many people to find out in such a short time. And probably all from the same person too.

The real trick is, and it seems obvious but is rarely followed: If you don't want anyone to know, don't tell anyone. Especially around here. News spreads like a bad rash on a hot day here, because obviously we have nothing better to do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now, is this the same secret that you couldn't tell me over email? :)