July 11, 2008


I had my "big ultrasound" yesterday and found out we have another baby girl on the way!


I was really thinking it was a boy, but a couple weeks ago I started wondering if I was just mentally preparing myself for a boy, since I wanted another girl so bad, or I assumed it was a boy because my symptoms were so different than with Taryn.

No matter, the tech said he was "high 90's" when asked how sure he was, so I'm seeing PINK today.

P is ... not so happy. But he'll get over it, just like he did with Taryn, and be wrappd around her little finger within minutes of being born.

I'm beyond the moon with joy right now. As soon as I found out Taryn was a girl, I started dreaming about her having a sister. And now I have leverage for #3, if I want to try again (but don't tell P I said that!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations!
