February 20, 2009

Month Thirty-Two

Hey Baby-doll,

This is the first time in months I've gotten your letter started on time, woot! I almost didn't because I need to get this adorable picture of you up on this blog. You've been big into picking out your own clothes lately, and you have a very developed sense of style. I don't know if it's because I always wear layer, or because it's cold outside and sweaters just aren't as cute, but you have been layering tees, tank tops and turtlenecks, and it freaking matches! Who would have thought that a rainbow striped tee, green shirt and gray tank would look good together? Anyway, tonight you wanted to put your own pjs on, and when I went into Granny;s room to get you to read books and go to sleep, you had put on one of Baby Z's pants, your pj top and your sister's beanie as well. You looked like one of those little boys from the 1920's with the short pants on, but it was so cute.

You've also been attached at the hip to Elmo for a while now, as attached as you are to anything, really. Which only means that although you prefer to sleep with him, and have him in the bathroom each night, you'll take a replacement Elmo when we can't find the big one, and you are perfectly content with him sitting on the laundry basket, rather than being in the bath with you. You asked to have him swaddled every night before bed, and I did for a while until you woke up two nights in a row crying that you couldn't get the swaddle tight again. So I told you Elmo was sick and didn't want a swaddle, he wanted to snuggle under the blankets with you, and you accepted that with no question.

I think Elmo has been great for you this month, because you're treating him like your child, and the slight jealously you'd shown about your sister is absolutely gone. Now when I sit on the couch to nurse her, you will sit in your rocker to nurse him. You put diapers on him, and change him over and over, exclaiming (like Mama) about how much poop or pee he's got. And though I shouldn't admit it, I use Elmo to distract you about 10 times per day. When you are under my feet while I'm making breakfast, I'll tell you that Elmo is crying for his mommy and send you out to find a toy to play with him. Or when you are stalling getting your shoes on to leave the house, Elmo is usually all ready to go and waiting just for you. You're adorable, because whatever Elmo wants, Elmo gets. :)

This month has been crazy busy for us. Granny is here, has been here for about 3 weeks, and you follow her like a shadow all day long. When she comes down in the morning, you tell her 'Good Morning everybody' and she is the last person you kiss at night. She was the one who helped you make your first batch of Valentine sugar cookies with sprinkles and showed you how to cut out the shapes with cookie cutters. After your bath while Papa and I are calming the baby so I can read your books and put you to sleep, you sneak into Granny's room and get under the covers with her, watching TV until I am ready for you. And though you didn't want to be alone with her at first, now when I need to run to the store quickly, you are perfectly content to stay home with her and your sister. Granny has been amazing to have here, she's taken care of so much cooking and cleaning that I've really been able to spend a lot of time with you, and I know I am less stressed and better able to respond to your 'terrible twos' that if I was doing this all by myself.

My wish for you this month is that you learn patience by example, and the vital fact that you will lose it sometimes, and you will have to apologize. There is very little you cannot fix by saying you are sorry-and meaning it-and it is okay to express your anger and frustration as long as it is not meant to hurt anyone and done in a constructive manner. And by all means ask for help when you need it. I'm still working on that one.

Next week you start gymnastics again, which I know you will love, and the week after you will be in preschool, so next month's letter should be packed and quite easy to write. Sweetpea, you continue to amaze me by how much you are blossoming and becoming such a fun, cool kid. You've had so many play dates this month, and when I ask who your friends are you list all you buddies, their sibling, and their parents. Never one to discriminate, you also want them all at out house, all together, all the time. And you want to make them cookies. Every day.

I love you,

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