August 10, 2005

This is not going well....

Big aspirations for having a blog, but I'm too damn lazy to write. Aside from the fact I'm too damn boring to have any stories (maybe just unimaginative) and even if I had a good story, I'm too damn shy to post it, which would then assume that someone actually reads this, which they do not.

I have found, however, after perusing various other blogs, some quite famous, others more popular with local crowds, that in order to be even slightly amusing, one must be either:
1) completely and utterly neurotic
2) severely depressed or
3) an alcoholic.

Then of course, I wonder, why in the hell is my blog so sucky when I have at least 2 out of three of those? Maybe the wrong combination? A depressed alcoholic is hardly amusing, but then again neither is a depressed neurotic....

So, I can't post about my job (read

I'll have some ideas soon.

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