August 10, 2006

Uh Oh

A few minutes ago, Taryn looked up at me like a little pink burrito, sqinched up her face, and let out a pitiful, plaintive little wail.

Then she stopped and looked at me again.

When she saw I wasn't doing anything, she sqished up her face a little more, held her breath for a second, and let out a slightly more pitiful, plaintive wail.

Then she stopped and looked at me again.

Since I still didn't do anything, she squished up her face even more, held her breath for a second longer, and let out a third wail, while squeezing two of the dinkiest tears I have ever seen out of her little red-rimmed eyes.

I think she's testing me.

But then, maybe she's just testing out her power, to see how much of a reaction she can get from the outside world... whatever it is, it's damn adorable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey. I just got caught up on your August blogs and pics; now, I feel better.
I know a lot of people see their kids in babies, but I swear to you that Taryn "favors" Julia when she was in her first six months... until Daddy's genes REALLY took over (but there's still some of me there~especially, like I've always said~on the inside, especially).
I can't think of any words you haven't already used to describe her, but then again, a mother knows...
It's good to hear that you'all are ironing out everything; it seems that reality really hits when a child enters the scene, so know that part is normal. And as unique as we all like to think we are, your roles as husband/wife and father/mother will unfold more and more with time; whether your relationship withstands this challenge will not necessarily be in either one of your control because fate has a way of defining those things, but the bond you share now will last a lifetime, regardless.
I am living and reliving through you vicariously, right now (and if I am repeating myself, I am sorry), so thank you for that.
And you go, girl, when it comes to those boobies: that's what they were put there for! Anyone else who gets to enjoy them is receiving a bonus.
I must move on to more mundane things to do on here, but thanks again for making my Saturday night very enjoyable~in a Lifetime Channel kind of way (or maybe WE~smile).