November 20, 2006


I've never really been afraid of flying, of something going wrong and crashing. Even after 9/11, when I was living in ATL and flying back and forth every month or so, I wasn't scared anythign would happen.

Now, for some reason, I'm feeling some serious anxiety about going with Taryn. Like if something happens and I can't protect her...

But the chances of dying in a plane crash are close to the chances of getting struck by lightening.

I guess I shouldn't worry so much.

1 comment:

Sephyroth said...

Just thought I'd say hi as I'm trying to visit and comment on as many of the NaBloPoMo blogs as I can. :)

I haven't ever really been afraid of flying myself; I remember the first time that I was on a plane my aunt was trying to scare me with the "bag" and the irony is that she almost had to use it herself; I was fine the whole way. :)