November 30, 2006

NaBloPoMo -- Day 30

Yeah Baby! I made it!

And I've set a personal record of 38 posts for a single month. Now, I'll admit, a few were pretty lame, but the fact that I actually posted 30 days straight when the old computer died and was revived, the new computer shorted the keyboard and mouse, and melted the motherboard, and 5 days away from home posting via my phone.... I think I did pretty damn good, considering.

The funny this is how the mere thought of winning something can motivate you. Not that I actualy believe I'll win, because I never win anything, but the off chance that I might was nagging the back of my mind when I really considered not doing a post on some days.

Speaking of winning, on the american express website, I'm trying to buy a Porsche Caymen for $5k. I know, fat chance, right? But how dumb would I feel if I was meant to have it, and I didn't even try! It's a coupe though, so it wouldn't work with the carseat. I think I'd try to sell it and get a different car, maybe pay off my credit cards and set aside money for Taryn's college fund. *sigh* I could do so much with a little bit of free money.

Well anyway, wish me luck, send me some good juju, all that great stuff.

And I think I'll make a goal now of posting most days of the week. Kind of like my workout goal that flopped, but blogging is so much easier than getting my lazy ass up off this chair and to a gym!

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