March 24, 2007

So Quiet

Everyone is sleeping.

Taryn, Johana and I got back from Target about an hour ago. I walked the dogs, put all the shopping away, and I was about to crawl into bed beside P-Dely and nap the afternoon away but...

It's so quiet.

I can't hear the freeway, or cars driving past my house.

I can't hear dogs barking, or kids playing, or loud music from the neighbors.

All I hear are the birds outside, and the steady whir of Taryn's fan.

It's amazing the things you notice when it's quiet. I'm one of those people who turns down the radio when I'm driving and looking for a house I haven't been to before, and when it's quiet, I just seem to notice more.

Like the small crick in the back of my neck from watching a movie on the couch last night.

And the way the middle of the floor is clean from the dog hair being blown into the corners.

The sweet smell of an open can of Hanson's soda.

And Taryn's nasty, crusty-ass binkie that she loves unconditionally.

The breeze is nice and cool, I have fruit salad downstairs. I think I'll go read a book, savor the silence, relax, and enjoy my hard-to-find solitude before everyone wakes up.

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