April 24, 2007

Higher Ups

I have issues with authority.

Not in the traditional sense of the phrase. I am perectly content to take orders from a superior, as long as I am being justly compensated for my compliance. Which rules out Subway, Mervyns and MHN. And school.

In social settings though, I have issues with interacting with people I feel are superior to me in one way or another. Maybe superior isn't the right word, but people who are in an age, class, or employment position higher than myself make me uneasy. And it's not that I don't see them as people, it's more that I get super self-conscious of how I am being perceived by them.

I know I'm young, and black, and a woman. But I'm also a wife and a mother, a college-educated adult who can really hold my own against other people, but for some reason when I'm with those "other people" I get ashamed of who I am. I should have more education, or own a bigger house, or make a larger salary. And it pisses me off that I can't blame this on someone else, that I have to take responsibility for my own lack of self-esteem. Or really the way I hide my self esteem when I'm around other people so that I'm not challenged or put on the spot. It's easier to blend into the background than to have to constantly defend myself.

I had to tell a supervisor today that a client was pissed at me. It wasn't my fault, and I knew this client was just being the squaky wheel, hoping for some oil but the fact that this client had already called my supervisor to get me to process her case faster made me really anxious about talking to her. And my supervisor was already irritated by this client, and I know it wasn't about me, and I can look back and see she was dealing with other things, but the energy I felt from her when I went to interrupt her in a "meeting" made me want to shrivel up and die. And later I could see the humor of the situation, and I think I played it off well enough to mask my dread at that moment, but fuck man.

I don't know why I get like that. I don't know why my mouth goes dry and I start sweating when I have to approach a "superior." I do know that it's mental. Because when I feel like an equal, all this shit is gone. When I feel equal and comfortable, I'm myself. But I turn into this meek, nervous part of me when I have to deal with the higher-ups.

So fuck. No point here. Just to get it out..


Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Aletta, I decided to click on 'next blog' and eventually came to yours and stopped to read it. Your baby is as cute as can be and you sound like an on the ball lady. Love your treatise on fiscal responsibility. I wasn't taught it and if ya ain't taught, you're going to struggle. Fortunately, the good Lord saw to it that I married a banker and he takes care of me but teach little Taryn to be like you and she'll have an easier time. My grandson, who is 8, is JUST like his dad (my husband's son) and can't wait to spend every dime he gets on crap. Life is hard enough without being in debt on top of it. I notice that in most couples, one is the banker and one is a spender.
You go girl.

Anonymous said...

I would have never guessed that about you... You always seem so put together, on top of it, super confident... you coulda' fooled me :)

joyfulsoul said...

talking about it helps - good job woman!
crying does too - i know you do.
it gets better over time b/c you can tell that voice to go to hell or it's okay to feel (some people don't as you know).
don't stop feeling proud of your many accomplishments, look where you've come from (and where you are going).
it sometimes helps to know others don't see it in the moment.
but do we ever get rid of it?
psychologists say no, we just manage it better.
if anyone can find a better way, you will. then you can write a book about it!
i'm always proud of you, just can't help it...