May 4, 2007

First Birthday

Fridays with nothing to do suck.

I was thinking about Taryn's birthday party, and I relaly don't know if I want to go all out for the first one. I think having a smaller party at the house would be fine, as long as all the kids are entertained.

I'm just thinking that Taryn is awake for all of two hours at a time, and I don't want to have to go home to let her sleep while everyone else is out at the BBQ. And I don't want to have to pay to rent the space because really? It's for the adults right? I doubt they'll care if the party is at my house or at the Lagoon. And if it's planned for a Saturdy afternoon, who will be working, who will be off, who has prior engagements...

I don't want to skimp, since it is her first and everything but... I don't want to resent throwing a party (without alcohol) at a cool location just for everyone else.

Crappers, I just don't know.

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