May 29, 2007

Late in the Day, and Brains all Mush

Not really sure why, but I love to bake. Not the results so much as the process, mixing ingredients, measuring out things, making a goopy mess which turns into a yummy creation.

Normal cooking just doesn't do it for me unles there's a process with it, a glass of wine, someone to talk to, or else I feel like I'm just slaving away for no cause. I do love cooking for T-Boog though, cutting up the veggies and blending them all, letting her taste while she sits in her highchair playing next to me and trying to guess what she thinks from her facial expression.

Maybe it's that people appreciate baked good more than dinner? Maybe dinner and lunch are just taken for granted as necessary, but dessert or fresh-baked bread are appreciated for being novel, in my home at least.

I'm so tired, yawning and I can't work right now because my brain is mushy. I don't want more mistakes, and since my eyes are blurring I think it's a better idea to blog than work on cases. I have been working hard all day, CalWORKs intake, couple of CMSP/FS apps, processing everything that accumulated over the long weekend.

Maybe I'll make cookies for dinner, or brownies. Johana eats cereal everyday anyway, I'm sure she wouldn't care. Maybe some eggs benedict again. You know what made me feel crazy? Watching Running with Scissors. Pretty damn depressing. And crazy. Lots of crazy.

I need to go to Safeway, but I have $7 in my checking account. I have money in savings but I need it for stuff, like T-Boogs birthday, and to get a new windshield.

I don't know when it will end, the hand to mouth. It's sure as shit getting old though, and P keeps looking into buying me an x5. I told him I don't want it, even if he's making the payments. I crash. And his non-moving objects. I don't need to stress off the cost to repair a BMW. I'd like the Volvo though, or the Rav4.

Maybe when the next kid comes.

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