November 28, 2007

Quick Update

So yeah, I´m here in South America, soaking up the sun and BAM! Second day in and I´ve got a fever. I´m told it´s due to the change in wind temperature, or direction, or something equally reeking of Old Wives.

It got up to 102 the night it broke, my skin hurt from the force of the air coming off the fan, I couldn´t sleep, the sweating alternated with body-wracking chills, but by the next morning it was down to 100 and I was able to eat again.

Thinking my streak of bad luck had ended, I was shocked shitless this morning to discover the nice burning red, pus-filled sacks lining the back of my throat and tonsils.


All I can do it sit outside, play with Taryn, read a book and be waited on my a doting Tata Lina. I really can´t think of a better time or place to be sick.

And I´m just praying that whoever I pissed-off leaves me alone soon, and Boogie doesn´t get sick.

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