March 10, 2008

Just Like Papa

My husband has this weird thing about hair. If he finds one in his food at home, he'll dump the entire plate of food, instead of just scooping out the portion around it.

And then he'll serve himself more, and I don't exactly get it, because if he's so icked by hair (mine, or his, or the dogs') wouldn't the hair have infected the entire pot of food, and not just what was on his plate?

The thing that worries me is that lately Taryn has been having issues with hair too, mostly mine, but sometimes her own. In the bath, she sort-of starts freaking out if a hair is floating in her water, or gets stuck to her body. She does this "Eh-eh-eh" sound with the body part stuck out towards me until I find the offending hair and remove it from her sight.

She also does that in the car, if a hair is on her carseat she makes that same weird little sound and I have to figure out backwards in the rearview mirror where it is, and then get the bugger out the window.

Because if I drop it on the floor, or wipe it on my pants leg, she screams. A terrible, eardrum shattering screach and that banshee yell makes it physically impossible to drive, so not only and I frantically searching for the hair, I can't focus on where the car is heading. It's a recipe for disaster.

But I guess she hates peas too, which I blame on myself, so maybe the silver lining here is that she'll be plucking her own unibrow by 2nd grade, instead of me having to do it?

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