April 7, 2008

She's Totally Cool with Scissors by Her Face

We took Boogie to get her hair cut this weekend. For the first time. I thought she wa going to freak out, having a stranger put a sharp object that close to her face, but she didn't seem to mind at all. She watched the scissors for a few seconds, then just looked down at her smock and watched the hair tumbledown the plastic. I kept a handful for her baby book, and we took a lot of pictures with our phones to capture the scene because it was a spur-of-the-moment stop at Super Cuts.

Next tinme though, we are going to take her to a real hairstylist (for kids) because this woman cut her hair super short in the back, and P was pissed when we left because he said she looks like a boy again. But Boogie was funny, because this morning before I brought her down to Jojo, she grabbed a ski hat and refused to take it off to she her hair off! I think it's cute though, she looks like a little pixie.

After Super Cuts we brought her over to the Farmer's Market and she got to ride her first pony! She had a death grip on the rope and her knuckles were turning white she was holding it so tightly. She seems to have fun though, she was smiling and petting the pony's neck, and the guy leading it took us around a few extra times, so she got a nice long ride.

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