February 13, 2009

Got Your Nose

Oy, my apologies to anyone who cares. It's been a few weeks and nary a peep from this blog. Not that life has been slow, but my only opportunity to blog is when Boogie and Gorilita are both asleep (which coincides with my nap as well... which hasn't happened in a few days) and that short period of time between when I put Boogie to sleep for the night, and when P realizes I'm not longer occupied and brings me Gorilita.

Which is now.

So quick like, I wanted to say that the game "Got Your Nose" was a dismal failure in my house. I don't know what possessed me to steal Boogie's nose, I thought she would find it amusing and assumed she was way to smart to believe it, but... nope. I took her nose and put it in my pocket. I had a rolled up tissue in the pocket and told her to feel her nose, which she did, and proceeded to freak the f*ck out.

Seriously. She started screaming and writhing on the ground, wailing that she wanted her nose back, begging me to put it back on her face. So I took it out of my pocket and put it back on her face. The end?

No. She asked me to take it again and put it on the shelf. So I did.

And she freaked out again.

And of course later that night she asked me to take it again and got upset when I said no, but when I took her nose off again and put it under the blanket, she freaked yet again.

I'm so confused.

(And I can hear him coming up the stairs. Right on cue.)

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