July 23, 2006

Saving for College

Taryn received an adorable piggybank from her Uncle B and Tia Tere for her babyshower (or maybe my birthday, they were pretty close together). I decided that I'm going to try my damnest to put all of my silver change into it, and on her first birthday I'm going to deposit it into a savings account for her.

I was also thinking that I'm going to ask friends and family to make a donation to her savings account for her first birthday and first Christmas, instead of buying presents. I figure it'll be better now while she's young and doesn't expect presents yet, and will save a lot of space since she'll grow out of a lot of gifts pretty quickly.

My last thought on college savings was that when I go back to work, I can put my raise (yea! I got a raise! Ends up being about 12% after the COLA) into her savings account each paycheck, and by her birthday I'll have added about $1500 to her future education.

Of course, we'll have to see how it goes, and see if we need the extra 12% to pay for a sitter...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Cute. As Steven said to me the other night, "I like where your head is at."