January 3, 2007

First Day Back

I'm sitting here drinking my coffee, planning what to wear to work this morning.

I feel okay. I've got "first day" jitters, but I'm sure it'll calm down as soon as I get there and get back in the flow.

I feel so much better that P is staying home this week with Taryn. I love my mom to death, and she's great with the baby, but I feel more comfortable knowing her Papa will be here to hold her and distract her, and I'll see her again in a few hours at lunch.

I'm not thinking about it that I'm leaving her to go to work.

Lame, I know, but in my head I'm going to make some money while she spends time with her Papa, and her Nonny, and her Tia. And it's so important to me that she build bonds with her family, something I wasn't able to do as easily because of the physical distance between us all, so I feel like it's a great opportunity for her. And if I was there, I'd be in the way, and distracting her from other people, so I may as well go to work while they are all together.

So thank you to everyone for supporting me for the past 15 or so months. Thanks for all the well-wishes and prayers and for just sticking around. I've gotten through this wonderful ordeal with the help of my friends and family, and Taryn is a happy, loving baby for it too.

Of course, I'll let you all know how it went when I get home tonight.

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