May 12, 2007

I Changed My Mind

I think that maybe, just maybe, Taryn knows tomorrow is Mother's Day, and stayed up late tonight so that I could sleep in tomorrow.

I was crying when P brought her out of her room, moping how my daughter soesn't love me and that I don't deserve Mother's Day.

"Look Punkin, she's trying to sit with you."

"No Babe, she probably just wants to pull my hair."

She was reaching out to me, so I took her and she rested her little head against my shoulder and sucked on her binkie for a minute. Then went nuts trying to rip a piece of plastic-paper apart.

That was enough to soothe the soul. I just put her down about 10 minutes ago. Rocked her for a few minutes while we nursed, set her down in her crib with her glow worm, and she was knocked out.

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